Monday, October 20, 2008

Last Years Robot

So I found my box of lego and my old robot was still constructed. It has a few features that I want to repeat this year so I took a few photos.
Here is the robot I used last year. It has the flap at the front and three motor driving. The rear motor is activated when the touch sensor picks up the fact that the front has been pushed in.

The flap or scoop at the front is there for the opponent to drive onto. Thus taking away their traction.Here are the three motors. The rear one swivels to allow the robot to turn.
Last year my robot building and design worked really well. I didn't win the competition because my program was not fast enough. However I'm sure I can still improve on this design.

1 comment:

whangadominators said...

Looks similar to what I was hoping to design. Mine uses claws instead of a front end.