Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Testing testing

So we did some testing today. My slow and powerful has it's bonuses and drawbacks.

Lessons from testing. My robot is a bit flimsy and needs to be toughened up a little.
When reversing from the white line I should reverse with all three motors. Just in case.
The ultrasonic sensor needs to be dialed right back because I am picking up the audience and the surroundings.

Otherwise the power works awesome. The best was when a motor and wheel got ripped off and my robot kept running and then won!

Yay for Blocks

I got around my problem. And the answer was blocks.

I create a myblock that has the multiple code in it and then insert that into the program.So here is my main program using blocks. I have had to adjust the sensitivity of the Ultrasonic sensor as it was picking up things that wern't there. The turning and moving forward with all wheels driving was working really well.

Next I need to do edge detection and then the touch sensor and I am done.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

First Programming Problem

I have struck my first major programming problem.
Because my middle motor is reversed from my other two motors to go full steam full power ahead this is what I want to have happen.

But I cannot drag this parrallel task into a for loop or a while loop! And inside these structures I cannot make this parallel motor task.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Build Complete

Once I had the chassis design all figured out, I took it all apart again and built that configuration but stronger. I then added the sensors and the scoop at the front.

Everything changed when the cables went in. I also added a touch sensor at the back. I'm really happy with the way it looks. It is kinda a Geiger Sumo Robot.